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Lalita Shivani - artist, dancer and creative person from Moscow Russia,
born at 1984. The flexible she have by nature,
from childhood and at the age of 5 she began studying choreography
and ballet, ballroom dance,
took part in competitions and performances.
From 13 years old start write poetry and songs, but it is not all her talents..
At the age of 19 she started performing, participating in different
from filming clips for movies and music video,
take part in the shows and modelling,  
 touring with her dance performances and collaborating with
various artists
across Russia and abroad, she also teaches dance.
She has studied all different dance styles like latina, belly dancing, modern, jazz modern, hip-hop, african and indian dances along with balinese and sufi dances and others.
Lalita love to sing as well from childhood and ststarted
vocal classes from 2006, start singing 
in 2010 mantras, kirtan and bhajans  with Indian singer Bittu Mallick and others musicians across Russia.
From 2008 she comes to 
India where she began to studyIndian
Vedic culture (Vedas, ayurveda,

yoga, nada yoga, meditation, pujas and ceremony, sanskrit),
Indian temple dances Bharatnatyam, singing mantras
and bhajans in the classical Indian style of Dhrupad. Learning Vedas from teacher Padma Shree Bannange Govinda Acharya
and yoga from Guru Swami Satyananda.

For 1,5 year she live in Bali where she studied the balinese culture,
and learned temple dances and music, doing sound healing sessions
and dance classes.

Lalita is the author of the "Shiva Shakti" dance meditationand
and “The Divine Dance of Shakti"
specially for women's.

These practices of self-healing include collective singing of ancient sounds.
Along with an alignment of the body with the soul and mind, meditation,
stretching and yoga techniques with dance to enable one to express their inner feelings through movement. Each session is for 1.5 hours and is performed
with music
specially composed for these meditations
by composer Sattyananda from India.
​She acting main role Tarini in Indian film "The Cloud Massenger"
by the talented movie director
Rahat Mahajan.
And also dance in a few video clips of famous singer Peruqua from Australia.
Lalita believes that dance has the power to heal and is a spiritual part
of the evolution of ones personality. Dance is the language
of communication
of souls and is the best way to express feelings
which are often
difficult for us to express in words.
At the present moment , she performs, sings and writes poetry,
songs and books, doing different workshops and retreats, doing charity in NadaYoga Foundation.
She has been Traveling the world,
sharing her dance and shamanic meditation workshops, knowledge

and experience with others. Together with Sattyananda they continue
 projects related to music, dance, art and wellness.
One of the projects is the Immersive Multimedia Art concert - ceremony:
"Cosmic temple" and "Internal awakening".
This is a unique authentic program, that combines several cultures
of different generations and modern technologies! This performance is a combination
of classical indian music with elements
of modern electronic music, along with a international
temple dance by Lalita Shivani with amazing visual effects

creating sensations of flight in Cosmos, where music
and visual effects made by Sattyananda.

Created in India the charitable organization
in 2017 where doing meditations for people with different problems (blind children,patients with the anthology, cancer, in the centers of rehabilitation and more). Also feeding poor children at the moment
about 600 kids every daylunch in schools. 

A quote by Lalita:
"Dance and music for me are a sacred action,
a ceremony to purify the body,

mind and soul, meditation-puja - an offering of energy
for communication with
the Creator.
Times change, and prayer remains through centuries and generations 

- a tool that needs to be properly tuned and kept clean so that it sounds beautiful and expresses your feelings, conducts vibrations, sounds,
colors and shades of the whole universe.
I am happy to help you to unlock the potential of your body,
your own unique style, beauty and individual to heal your physical
and subtle
body, to bring the body spirit and mind balance and harmony.
Let's live this life with ease and trust in the flow,
beautifully and proudly dancing
your fate story
for our common Creator, regardless of nation and religion.

He is One for all, observes and knows everything about everyone!
Create your dance of life, dance your life truthfully! "
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